Thursday, April 28, 2011

Piers Morgan on Doing Your Homework and the Seven Ps

Toward the end of his interview with David Frost, Piers Morgan, the self confessed ‘young pup at this interviewing’, asks the master for some tips.

While Frost gathers his words for this whipper-snapper, Morgan slips in some advice from his brother:

FROST: Where do we start? You'll know this and you'll agree with it, because you're putting it into practice. But the first thing obviously is homework, which, I mean, sounds absurdly obvious. But some people don't do much preparation.

MORGAN: My brother is a British Army colonel. They have an unofficial regimental motto called the seven Ps, which I think apply equally to interviewing, which is prior planning and preparation prevent piss poor performance.

Source: Piers Morgan Tonight, CNN, 26 April 2011.

Image: Piers Morgan.